星期三, 11月 18, 2009

給 Terrain


project topic:visual lateralisation effect and hemisphere differences in accessing lexical knowledge of chinese characters

paper title:an examination of semantic radical combinability effects with lateralized cues in Chinese character recognition"

lateralisation 可能是指視覺的左右交錯,就像把一塊鏡放在一個中文字的側面,使之出現一個左右互換的影象。

而 hemisphere differences 會否指左腦思維與右腦思維的人。


而你所講的paper 其實也是討論相關的題目,semantic 是指一個字的含意,而中文字有些是象形字,從那個字的形狀,便可以想到那個字的含意。如果再加上這個字的左右分佈的資料,便可能有助對這些字的記憶,較容易辨別出那些字。這份paper 可能便是要研究這些中文字與象形,以及左右位置的記憶之間的問題。


8 則留言:

terrain 說...

先留個腳印先, 待我交完project 再和你談多些, 很高興認識你 :)

M 說...

Really appreciate your help to my friend. Nowadays, not many people are so warm-hearted and helpful.

terrain 說...
terrain 說...

Saw this in one of your posts "2006年11月26日 今天下午回到中大做神學院的功課" earlier...

I suddenly remember now that this evening, before I vented to M how I didn't quite understand the project, I actually said a little prayer asking God to help me with my project cuz I really didn't have much idea... Wow, I have to thank Him for answering my prayer so quickly (!), via an angel called lastly whom I met so coincidentally and unexpectedly tonight :DDD He is soo good and He really listens :)

lastly 說...

Terrain & M,

Thanks for visiting.
Yes, God does answer our prayers.

lastly 說...






M 說...

>> lastly
Thank you for recommending Wong Ming Lok' blog to me. I visited the blog and found it very interesting and helpful. I will read all the articles. I'll see if I can find the book 港孩 in book shop.

lastly 說...


I just guess you'll be interested in her writings. I'm happy I guess it right. I think you'll like her book also.